2009年10月7日 星期三

Erdinger Weissbier Dunkel



釀造廠:Erdinger Weissbra''u



Similar to a Hefeweizen, these southern Germany wheat beers are brewed as darker versions (Dunkel means "dark") with deliciously complex malts and a low balancing bitterness. Most are brown and murky (from the yeast). The usual clove and fruity (banana) characters will be present, some may even taste like banana bread.

Average alcohol by volume (abv) range: 4.0-7.0%     from http://beeradvocate.com/beer/style/91     

Serving type: bottle

A:strong but fluffy head but fades quickly. Looks like the color of brown bear, and a little muddy. Wonderful color!

S:caramel, a little bit of citrus fruit, nice wheat flavour. Spicy, aroma

T:drinks like soda at first, and than quickly comes with a nice bitter flavor of cocoa.

M:great carbonation, suitable for steak. A very balanced alcohol flavor. just awesome.

D:it taste a little bit sour, you just can't drink a lot of it, it'll generate a bad feeling in ur stomach and chest, makes u like to vomit. But...and...I will give it 7 of 10.


