2008年9月7日 星期日

Tibet unrest looms in post-Dalai Lama era



The leadership vacuum in Tibetan Buddhism is tipped by some Tibetologists to be filled by the Karmapa Lama, ranked third in the religion's hierarchy who followed in the Dalai Lama's footsteps and fled into exile in India in 2000.

Another candidate is Yabshi Pan Rinzinwangmo, daughter of the 10th Panchen Lama.

The Central Intelligence Agency trained and provided arms and radio equipment for Tibetan guerrillas fighting the People's Liberation Army from the 1950s to the 1960s, but pulled the plug in 1972 when then U.S. President Richard Nixon visited China.

But the possibility of Tibetans resuming guerrilla warfare in the post-Dalai Lama era is extremely remote without the backing of the United States.

Washington has been a vocal critic of China's human rights record and has urged Beijing to continue dialogue with the Dalai Lama. But it is also is counting on China's help in reining in a nuclear North Korea.

(Editing by Nick Macfie and David Fox)


